BoMuse News, June, 2019 EXTRA

BoMuse News, vol. 18, no. 6 EXTRA

BoMuse News is a monthly newsletter from BoMuse Music. It presents items of interest related to jazz, and advocacy for music education, as well as news of releases from BoMuse Music and the performing activities of Paul Combs. Questions and comments should be sent by visiting “Contact” at Paul Combs’ Web-site.

Follow @BoMuseMusic  on Twitter, and Facebook, at All About Jazz , and now on YouTube at Paul Combs – Bomuse
1. It’s Here!!
2. Tri-C Jazz Festival Talk Tent
3. New Video
4. Gigs

1. Unknown Dameron, my CD of Rare and Never Recorded Works by Tadd Dameron is now available from Summit Records. I just ordered a CD from Summit last week. It takes about a week to arrive, and the site is very easy to use.

2. Saturday, June 29 at 4:45 PM I will be giving a talk about Tadd Dameron at the Tri-C Jazz Festival in Cleveland, OH, Tadd’s birthplace and home town. The tent is located in Playhouse Square, along with most of the Festival. I will be giving context to the previous evening’s concert by the Clayton/Hamilton Orchestra and Dianne Reeves, in a location just a mile or two from the neighborhood where he grew up.

3. I just posted a new video at my YouTube channel, Paul Combs –

Pocket Big Band, Chit Chat Lounge, Haverhill MA, 2002

BoMuse. It gives a brief history of the Pocket Big Band, which I started in 2001, and led util moving West in 2015. If you haven’t been to my channel before, please consider subscribing and clicking the notations bell. I have several more ready to go from a concert I gave in 2013 with the original Dameron Project Quintet that included Jim Cameron, Don Hemwall, Herman Hampton, and Stanley Swann. I’ll start putting them out at monthly intervals starting at the end of this month.

4. Gigs
No changes, you can find everything at Events at my Web-site.


In San Diego visit the Calendar section at Jazz88.3 and pick up a copy of the Troubadour. If you are in Boston check the listings at Jazz Boston, visit the Facebook page for Jazz at the Tap, the Seacoast Jazz Society Web site, and now in Brookline, the Post Underground, and where ever you are go join All About Jazz so you can receive their Jazz Near You notices.

As always, thank you for supporting LIVE MUSIC!

Follow @BoMuseMusic  on Twitter, and Facebook, at All About Jazz , and now on YouTube at Paul Combs – Bomuse