
Large Ensemble – Selected from commercially available scores, and my personal collection.

Vocal – small group arrangement adapted from my personal collection.

Mixed Large, Smaller and Vocal – A mix of the above along with my own five and nine piece charts

I have the following arrangements (in chronological order) [NOTE: this list needs to be updated – 10/2/18]:

Mary Lou -3,2,4,4; written for Mary Lou Williams and the Andy Kirk band 1942, never performed
Bewildered – 3,3,5,3 + voice (likely mezzo sop.) written for Lunceford ca. 1942-43
Frolic At Five – 3,3,5,3; Lunceford ca. 1942-43
Moo-See-Ka – 3,3,5,3; Lunceford ca. 1942-43
The One I Love – 3,3,5,3; Lunceford ca. 1942-43
Good Bait – 3,3,5,3; Lunceford ca. 1944-45
Fine And Dandy – 3,3,5,3; Lunceford ca. 1944-45
Zakat – 3,3,5,3; Lunceford ca. 1944-45 (46?)
Boydstown, 4,3,5,4 (variation on Our Delight for Boyd Rayburn) ca  1944-46
For Europeans Only – 3,3,5,3; written for Don Redman 1946, (4,4,5,3 Redman added 4th brass for Louis Bellson 1951)
Lyonia – 4,4,5,3; written for Ted Heath and Artie Shaw 1949
*Fred’s Delight – 4,4,5,3 + cl.; written for Shaw 1949-50
So Easy – 4,4,5,3 + cl.; written for Shaw 1949-50
Duke Ellington’s Opening Theme – 5,4,5,3: for Ellington 1951, never performed
Look, Stop And Listen – 5-5(5th questionable),5,3: for Stan Kenton 1958
*Good Bait – 4,4,5,4 + violins; published by Bregman, Vocco & Conn for school bands
Fontainebleau – 4,4,5,4; published by Bregman, Vocco & Conn for school bands
*Our Delight – 4,4,5,4 + violins; published by Bregman, Vocco & Conn for school bands
*Swift As The Wind – 4,4,5,4 + violins; published by Bregman, Vocco & Conn for school bands
*On A Misty Night – 4, 3,5,3 + clarinet: written for Benny Goodman 1962 Russian tour.
Swift As The Wind – 4, 3,5,3: written for Benny Goodman 1962 Russian tour.
*Just Plain Talkin’ – 4, 3,5,3 + clarinet (solo only): written for Benny Goodman 1962 Russian tour.
Fontainebleau – 4, 3,5,3 + clarinet: written for Benny Goodman 1962 Russian tour.
*Moon From The East – 4, 3,5,3 + clarinet: written for Benny Goodman 1962 Russian tour.
(Strange piece, probably not useful for program)

*Currently available from

In addition I have my own arrangements for nonet of “Moon From The East” and the previously unknown “This Night of Stars,” which has a vocal part in addition to the nonet instruments (2 Tpts., Tbn, AS (Fl), TS (Fl), Bari, 3 rhythm). Also several lesser-known and previously unknown tunes, some of them in Quintet arrangements. I would be available as a saxophone soloist, if that suited the needs of the performance. Parts would be provided ahead of time for the initial rehearsals. I would arrive ahead of the concert for the final rehearsal(s) (see below), in which I would also share with the students technical and historical insights regarding the pieces they would be performing, time permitting.

Possible extensions of this project could include public lectures regarding the significance of Dameron’s work, and work with secondary/elementary schools in performing easier arrangements of Dameron’s music that I could prepare.


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